Large marine barge traversing through the ope blue water

Transforming the Marine Fuel Market in 2020 and Beyond

Rigby Refining® LLC has developed the world’s premier solution to IMO 2020, the largest and most significant issue facing the marine fuel market today. Rigby Refining LLC is best positioned to lead the industry through this transition while capturing unmatched market value with the patented Rigby Fuel®.

Discover Our Breakthrough

See the Rigby Difference

Icon with oil barrels, content moving from one to the other

IMO 2020

Learn how the new sulfur regulation (IMO 2020) in marine fuels will affect global demand and cause major shortages in the market.

Study the Impact of IMO 2020

Icon of oil barrel containing dollar symbol circled in arrows

Discover Our Breakthrough

Learn about the value that Rigby offers and why our company is positioned for significant and unmatched growth.

Explore Our Solution

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Meet the team of experts charting Rigby’s course as we prepare to transform the marine fuel market through IMO 2020 and beyond.

Meet Our Team

Get in Touch

Contact the Rigby Team to discuss various opportunities with Rigby Refining LLC. We will answer your questions and provide the information you need to understand all the benefits, options and opportunities that exist with Rigby Refining LLC. We look forward to working together with you on these exciting opportunities.

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Ship loaded with cargo containers